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APS Advisory Committee Meeting Kick-off!

The Alliance for Period Supplies is having their first Advisory Committee meeting next Monday, April 29th from 5:30-7:00 pm in our new building (6141 Etzel Ave.)!

The purpose of this meeting is to start the conversation about what is currently being done in our community as it relates to period product distribution. We will be presenting our goals as an organization and finding ways that people and organizations can plug-in in their area of interest.

If you work with an organization that currently distributes period products and think you would have some helpful insight, knowledge or experience to share we want you to be there. Equally, if you are an individual that wants to be involved in the planning and implementation of the Alliance for Period Supplies’ mission you are welcome.

This is a casual info and idea sharing session set up to help steer the APS into the future.

Dinner will be provided. Please RSVP Here and let us know if you have any dietary restrictions that we should be aware of.

150 150 St. Louis Area Diaper Bank

Join us for the Bloody Mary Brunch!
Sunday, April 6, 2025
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.